Recently released song by one of the finest rock band to come out from Vientiane Capital is “Kup Pai Sa – ກັບໄປສາ” meaning “Back flip”. Ever since Black Eyes band burst into Lao music scene almost a decade ago they have constantly been producing outstanding songs namely ຂໍໂທດທີ່ຫຼົງຜິດ, ບໍ່ຢາກໄດ້ຍິນ, ເຈົ້າມັນເກົ່າ and many more.
Black Eyes had been to several provinces in Laos and neighbouring countries to perform concerts. They’ve participated in many big music festivals. As for the lead singer he’s invited to sing in many special events including big such as Miss Laos Pageants and sometimes he even flew abroad to represent Laos . He is one of many singers who have the finest voice in this business.
Black Eyes have established themselves as live band to watch and see ever since they moved to Indee Record Company. This group of young musician friends have ones of recognised faces in Vientiane and they have proven again and again to themselves that they are finest musicians. And they are having fun making fantastic music for their fans.
Their latest song or previously released ones are available from their facebook or youtube below. Once you are there do follow or subscribe to their pages so you will be the first to know when you post latest song.
Genre: Rock
Residence: Vientiane
Facebook: Black Eyes Laos
Record company: Indee Record
INTERVIEW ໄປຫຼີ້ນບຸນປີໄໝ່ຢູ່ ປາກເຊ ມ່ວນບໍ ຄົນເຂົາໄປຫຼີ້ນກັນຫຼາຍບໍ
Black Eyes: ບຸນປີໃຫມ່ຢູ່ປາກເຊມ່ວນຫລາຍ ຄົນໄປຫລີ້ນໃນງານຫລາຍເຕິບ ໄປຫຼີ້ນບຸນປີໄໝ່ຢູ່ ປາກເຊ ມ່ວນບໍ ຄົນເຂົາໄປຫຼີ້ນກັນຫຼາຍບໍ
Black Eyes: ບຸນປີໃຫມ່ຢູ່ປາກເຊມ່ວນຫລາຍ ຄົນໄປຫລີ້ນໃນງານຫລາຍເຕິບ ເພງໃໝ່ ‘ກັບໄປສາ’ ໃຜຂຽນເພງນີ້ ໄຊ້ເພງດົນບໍຈີງເຮັດແລ້ວ
Black Eyes: ສັບຫລັບເພັງໃຫມ່ ກັບໄປສາ ແມ່ນ ອ້ຽງ ມືກີ່ຕ້າ ຂອດຂອງວົງເປັນຄົນແຕ່ງ ແລະເພັງນີ້ລາຍລະອຽດເລື່ອງເລື່ອງດົນຕິແມ່ນສະມາຊິກທຸກຄົນໃນວົງເປັນຊ່ອຍກັນເຮັດ ໃຊ້ເວລາເຮັດດົນພໍສົມຄວນ ທັມມະດາອ້າຍຕິດຕາມພວກວົງພວກນ້ອງມາຕັັ້ງແຕ່ພວກນ້ອງອອກເພງທຳອິດເລີຍ ເກືອບຮອດ10ປີແລ້ວ ໄວນໍ ອອກກັນຈັກຊີດີ ແລະຈັກລວມກັນມີຈັກເພງແທ້
Black Eyes: ຕອນນີ້ວົງເຮົາມີເພັງກັນທັງຫມົດ 8 ເພັງ ຮູ້ສືກແນວໃດທີ່ເປັນດາລາ ຢາກບໍ
Black Eyes: ການເປັນສິລະປີນຢູ່ບ້ານເຮົາກາມີຄວາມຍຸ້ງຍາກຢູ່ຫລາຍຢ່າງ ເພາະການທີ່ຈະເຮັດໃຫ້ເປັນທີ່ຍອມຮັບກາບໍ່ແມ່ນເລື່ອງງ່າຍ ເພາະຄົນສ່ວນໃຫຍ່ຢູ່ບ້ານເຮົາຈະເຫັນຄວາມສຳຄັນຂອງສິລະປີນເພື່ອນບ້ານຫລາຍກວ່າ ມັນຈື່ງເຮັດໃຫ້ພວກເຮົາຕ້ອງພະຍາຍາມໃຫ້ຫລາຍຂື້ນກວ່າເກົ່າ ດຽວນີ້ມີໂຄງການອອກເພງໃໝ່ຢູ່ຕີນໍ ກະວ່າຍັງດົນບໍແຟນໆຈະໄດ້ຟັງຜົນງານໃໝ່
Black Eyes: ສຳຫລັບເພັງໃຫມ່ປີນີ້ມີແນ່ນອນ ເພັງແຕ່ຕອນນີ້ຍັງຢູ່ໃນຂັ້ນຕອນການຜະລິດຜົນງານ
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